Monday, January 11, 2010

Fertile Pathology

"Better Days" by Anthony Hamilton

...and I realize the compromise that love ones make / i'm holding on for the future some more better day...

I just watched "The Killing Room" with my friends and former roommates Stevara and Tiffany.  We went to see "Sherlock Holmes" in the theater and it was quite good.  I am going to do some research on Mr. Sherlock Holmes. In the movie, he was depicted as an incomparable genius and also quite disturbed.  It was good.

But this "The Killing Room" movie was horrible.  It is influenced by the CIA's MK-ULTRA experiment of the 1960s (and maybe later).  I had heard of the experiment but I didn't know what it entailed or the controversy that surrounded it.  I looked it up after I watched the film and I couldn't believe it.  I couldn't believe the GOVERNMENT thought to do this.  The scope of MK-ULTRA was incredibly wide.  Basically, the CIA was investigating ways in which to control a person's mind.  They administered drugs like LSD without the informed consent of the participants.  The experiment is blamed for the death of 2 participants.

What the hell?

Why do you want to control people's minds?  No matter what you are trying to do, eliminating someone's autonomy is not the right way.  If a terrorist or whomever does not want to cooperate, you are just going to have to deal and come upon necessary information another way.  Mind control? White people want to do waaaaaaay toooooo much.

"The Killing Room" was a variation of the MK-ULTRA experiment.  They incorporated our current fear of terrorism and the elusive, vague enemy we are "fighting".  The experiment sought to observe and learn what it took to make a person willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.  A parallel was drawn to cell apoptosis, in which a cell will voluntarily die when it realizes it is no longer adequately serving the larger system it belongs to.  They were studying this mess in humans.  How far can you push a human to give up his/her own life for the greater good? What? Why do you want to know this?

The human mind is fragile where it is also resilient.  Human behavior is also completely unpredictable when a person is struggling to survive.  Any duress in which your life is on the line means you abandon all notions of social order imparted by whatever culture you subscribe to.  People go buck wild in order to stay alive.  Why do you want to watch, observe, record, or care about such a debauchery?  What do you think you will learn from such a blatant disregard for human dignity?

Please watch that movie.  The White woman in the movie, who had the opportunity to save the poor participants in the experiment, chose not to which only made me further question the respect for human dignity White people have.  SMH.