Monday, February 2, 2009


"St. Patrick's Day" by John Mayer

...come January, we're frozen inside / February, won't you be my valentine? / and we'll both be safe 'til St. Patrick's Day...

Rush Limbaugh said that he hopes Obama fails. And he also said that we are supposed to "bend over and grab our ankles," be excited for him and our country because his father was African and he is our nation's first Black president.

Yes, Rush, we should all be happy because the slaves are free and ruling the country.

This comment is conspicuously racist and I hope that no one needs an explanation as to why this comment is racist.

The momentum of excitement about the historical significance of Obama's election is wholly separate from why we should support our president.

This is a time of unprecedented economic distress around the world and not just in the United States. This is a time of escalating political and social unrests in many countries. Sh*t is about to get real. If you disagree with Obama's policies, cool, but do not belittle his job as the leader of the free world in a time when that free world is very vulnerable.

If anyone had said this about Bush, he would have been branded as unpatriotic. Remember when Michelle said that for the first time in her life, she was proud to be an American? Oh, aight.

Rush, you are unpatriotic and racist.

And Elisabeth Hasselbeck on The View: I struggle not to hate you personally. It was so annoying how you tried to defend Rush on the show. To boot, you said that many people wished for Bush to fail. That, I would have to disagree with.

Bush was a failure by himself without the wishes of anyone. Both of his terms were disastrous for the country. He failed. No one wanted him to fail. We just knew, especially the second go around, that he would. And if you thought it was wrong for people to wish Bush failure, is it not wrong here in this instance? Or are we on that tit-for-tat business?