Monday, December 15, 2008

Act Your Age or Your Shoe SIze

"50/50 Love" by Teddy Pendergrass

...said it's so good lovin' somebody when somebody loves you back...

In four weeks and 1 day, George W. Bush's administration comes to and end and will pass the torch to Barack Obama and his camp.

It just occurred to me that he will be leaving office and Barack is responsible for somehow ending the war in Iraq. I feel as though he has to stay in some kind of detention (he, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, and whoever other idiot allowed this to happen) and help in ending this responsibly and with honest intelligence. He should be held accountable somehow. It aggravates me that he shall return life as a citizen in Dallas, Texas as soldiers and civilians continue to lose their lives and limbs.

He started this mess of a "war" by lying to everyone who wasn't in on this profit machine of an invasion of Iraq. He created this "surge" scheme so as to claim one victory in Iraq and the conservatives harp on that one claim all day, despite the juxtaposition of pain and treachery, demolition and carnage, that this surge is set against. But that isn't what this entry is supposed to be about.

But there are times, honestly, of late that I have felt bad for the man. At a recent speech following the election of Obama, he became a little choked up and I felt bad for him. In light of some of the world's leaders refusing to shake his hand, the constant jocular theme of discussion about Bush on almost every program, and now this incident in which an Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at him, I feel a little bad for him.

I admitted that to my mother, who, along with my father, hates Bush and conservative ideology in general, and she said that she does too. He is, after all, a human being and he is aware of his unpopularity within the country and the world and that is a devastating thing to a person.

I used to say, following several blunders in the Bush administration, that I couldn't decide whether George Bush was completely evil or utterly retarded. I have decided that he is neither.

Bush is a conservative. That in and of itself presented a problem for the way he handled the issues of our day. Secondly, he is a very privileged White male which makes it very hard for him to identify with the average American citizen or resident. Thirdly, the man is highly unqualified for the rigors of the job as president. He was a small part of a big machine that meant to accomplish specific things on behalf of rich, White, male Washington (and Texas).

However, when I think about things like the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina, the thousands of tragedies that are casualties of war, the casualties of the housing and job markets, I don't feel sorry for the buffoon anymore.

The people of New Orleans sat in contaminated water decorated with corpses for days before preliminary help was sent. And three years after the disaster, New Orleans has yet to return to better days. People, American citizens, were begging for help from the most powerful and most wealthy government on the face of the earth. That was embarrassing. There were other countries volunteering help and services and they were turned down by the government, who never really came into help. Bush just looked at New Orleans like it was a movie that he had nothing to do with.
And the war. I won't even say anything about the war so as not to be persecuted. My opinions might be a little to radical and I am not a citizen yet.

So George, I say that you are not evil. I say that you are not retarded. I say that you were a bad president. I say you might be the worst president in American history. I say you were not qualified for the job and you should have never been elected.

What your legacy is, we won't know for sure for several years. The secrets don't come out for at least 20 years so we'll have to wait for the history books of 2028.

**The fact that he got 2 shoes thrown at him is hilarious though. I could not stop laughing when I saw that. But I wouldn't want someone to throw anything at Obama. That isn't fair but I just respect Obama more thus far. And I tried to find a neutral picture about Bush's legacy by typing in "Bush's legacy," but I couldn't. I only found ones similar to the third one in this post which I think is very telling.**