Monday, December 1, 2008

Brown Cabinets

Barack Obama is beginning to build his team for his cabinet and has named a few department heads already. This is the list of the cabinet in order of succession to the presidency. Those that we do not know of yet will definitely be listed later.

Departments and Secretaries
Department of State: Secretary of State: Senator Hillary Clinton (of New York)

Department of Treasury: Secretary of the Treasury: Timothy Geithner

Department of Defense: Secretary of Defense: Robert Gates (incumbent)

Department of Justice: Attorney General: Eric Holder (current Deputy Attorney General)

Department of Interior: Secretary of the Interior: Senator Ken Salazar

Department of Agriculture: Secretary of Agriculture:

Department of Commerce: Secretary of Commerce: Governor William Richardson (of New Mexico)

Department of Labor: Secretary of Labor: Representative Hilda Solis (of California)

Department of Health and Human Services: Secretary of Health and Human Services: Senator Thomas Daschle (former senator of South Dakota)

Department of Housing and Urban Development: Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Shaun Donovan

Department of Transportation: Secretary of Transportation: Representative Ray LaHood (of Illinois)

Department of Energy: Secretary of Energy: Dr. Steven Chu

Department of Education: Secretary of Education: Arne Duncan

Department of Veteran Affairs: Secretary of Veteran Affairs: General Eric K. Shinseki

Department of Homeland Security: Secretary of Homeland Security: Governor Janet Napolitano

Chief of Staff: Representative Rahm Emmanuel

Ambassador to the United Nations: Susan Rice

National Security Advisor: General James Jones

Head of Small Business Association: Karen Mills

U.S. Trade Representative: Ron Kirk

Head of Council of Environmental Quality: Nancy Sutley