Monday, December 28, 2009

Just Show Business

"Empire State of Mind" by Jay Z

...the city never sleeps / but she'll slip you an Ambien...

Giggity.  I'm so happy that Christmas is over.  I am excited for New Year's Eve.  New Year's is the greatest holiday, I think.  The whole world recognizes it and we collectively talk about what we are going to do different, better, or stop doing in the new year, knowing full well that most of us won't change anything.

It's wonderful, however, this universal feeling of improvement that is fostered, even if just for a few weeks.

Everything I want to do in the new year, I have already begun.  I finally went natural and am rocking my coily afro.  I am reading up on how to make natural products for my use.  I am not kidding about this.  I really want to stop using so many chemicals.  I don't want to have to buy so much from the store anymore.  I would feel truly beautiful if I made the beauty products that I use.

Seriously, I want to learn to make my own shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner, moisturizer, lotion, deodorant, body wash/soap, dish washing soap, house cleaning products, EVERYTHING!  And if it is too inconvenient to make a particular product, I will make sure I purchase it from a private merchant who makes natural products.  In the coming weeks, I am going to buy some books and research online that will teach me to make such things.

I want to free myself from the slavery that is technology in the new year.  It is wack.

Lastly, I need to do is start working out.  I don't really want to go to the gym and run on a treadmill or anything of the sort.  I want to pick up tennis again, sign up for yoga, and meditate more.

Happy New Year Boo.